Foundation Projects

Raising cyber security capability and awareness: A secure and resilient Internet infrastructure for development in the Pacific

National Information and Communications Technology Authority (NICTA)

Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) and Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) play an important role in Internet safety in the region.

The project strengthened Internet security in the Pacific by fostering and supporting the development of CERTs at the national level in ten Pacific economies. This was done through a bottom-up, research-led capacity building program for security personnel and policymakers from relevant government departments, Internet Services Providers (ISPs) and telecom operators in the region. Activities included three regional workshops (Tonga, New Caledonia, Samoa); technical assistance to strengthen CERT Tonga; technical assistance for the establishment of PNGCERT and Vanuatu CERT; and training for CERT team members from eight other economies.

Workshops in 2017:

Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) National Information and Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) organized a two-day workshop in Port Moresby focused on establishing a national CERT in Papua New Guinea. The workshop included network operators, representatives from financial, law enforcement and academic institutions, and government agencies.

The objectives of the workshop were:

  1. To learn about CERTs in general with an emphasis on the community-based multistakeholder model of CERT development, in the context of National CERTs.
  2. To engage key stakeholders to lay the Foundation for a national CERT in PNG and get their input in developing an initial action plan.

Workshops in 2018

The project held two regional workshops during 2018. The first one was organized in May with CERT Tonga support, while the second one was organized held as part of the APNIC 46 conference in Noumea in September. The project sponsored delegates from seven Pacific Island economies. Following the establishment of CERT Tonga in 2016, the project supported two new CERTs during 2018: the PNG CERT in January and Vanuatu CERT in June. The establishment of all three CERTs was led and implemented by the local community.

This is a multi-year project. For budget information, see the relevant annual reports.
