Foundation Projects

Developing Tonga National CERT

Department of Information & ICT under the Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Environment, Climate Change, Information, Communication, Disaster Management

The risks related to cyber-attacks are ever-growing, and threats from unknown sources are dynamic and constantly evolving. More frequently than ever before, reports on significant security incidents are being given prominence in the media, illustrating an increasing need for the effective and efficient management of cyber- security.

Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT) are globally playing an increasingly important role in this regard as they are responsible for collecting information about and coordinating the response to cyber-security incidents.

As Pacific Island countries are geographically small and also almost isolated from the international world, our reliance on ICT is very high. The critical infrastructures may not seem huge however the essential services of our islands depend on them. Government ministries mainly carry confidential data that can be considered highly vulnerable without the proper security measures in place. Therefore any attack regardless of the calibre may bring bug negative effects on any small Pacific economy and its citizens.

It is for this reason that the security of the these critical infrastructures are on high demand within government. The establishment of a national CERT for Tonga ensured that Tonga becomes a safer and better digital environment. Critical infrastructures were better protected and there was a place for the nation to seek cyber security advice when required.