Foundation Projects

Internet Exchange for a Remote City

Myanmar Internet Exchange (MMIX)

At seven years old, Myanmar Internet Exchange (MMIX) has three Points of Presence (POPs) spread across three major cities. MMIX intends to extend its services to reach remote locations.  This will allow regional ISPs to benefit from Internet Exchange Point (IXP) services.

Tachileik is a border city near Thailand. Currently about 20 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide Internet Services there. This means Tachileik is good choice for setting up an IXP as it will allow them to exchange traffic locally and more efficiently.

This project aims to:

  • Set up an Internet Exchange Point as remote POP to extend the existing IXP’s coverage.
  • Carry DNS root content, popular Content Delivery Network content and local content of the mainland to the Tachileik via long distance link.
  • Encourage local content providers to set up local content in Tachileik and distribute locally there.
  • As it is border city, try to make arrangements to distribute popular International content directly from neighbor, Thailand.
  • As a part of this project, MMIX will share and train our knowledge and experience with the local technical community.
