Award-Winning Academic Paper Unveils a Novel Approach to Learning Mobility
The SOI Asia project uses the Inxignia system to help students visualize progress – a paper on Inxignia just won an award.
The SOI Asia project uses the Inxignia system to help students visualize progress – a paper on Inxignia just won an award.
The Local Community-based Internet Infrastructure Development And Internet Utilization In Rural Indonesia project brought connectivity to rural communities.
The IPv6 Anywhere project sought to learn more about IPv6 hesitancy in Indonesia and enhance IPv6 usage.
The EcoInternet Index 2023 looked at 14 jurisdictions and compared the environmental impact of the Internet in each.
The Connectivity Bridges project uses a hybrid Wireless-Fiber (WiFiber) solution to bring connectivity to rural parts of India.
The LUCI project developed connectivity infrastructure amid challenging terrain via a balloon.
The Samoa District Connectivity Project deployed wireless connectivity to rural parts of Samoa and trained locals in its use and maintenance.
The SDN-based Internet eXchange Playground for Networkers provides a valuable tool in which network operators can test out configurations without harming a real network.
The Foundation has just launched the 2024 Switch! project supporting gender and diversity in the Internet industry.
The recent Bug Zero project sought to improve awareness and use of bug bounties in Sri Lanka.