Foundation Projects

Outstanding Contributions to Digital Development: Bluewave Wireless

Bluewave Wireless

Bluewave Wireless is a recipient of a 2024 ISIF Asia award for Outstanding Research in Digital Development for their work on Software Defined Networking (SDN) and cybersecurity. They received their award on September 4, 2024, at the APNIC 58 Conference in Wellington, New Zealand.

Each awardee received travel support (if they are based outside New Zealand) to attend the conference and 5,000 USD to assist with their work.

Bluewave Wireless received the award for their work deploying satellite infrastructure to 51 district sites in Samoa, that had little to no reliable connectivity and/ or redundancy for disaster preparedness. Priority was given to unserved or underserved village communities within each district. 

The project consulted extensively with local communities to establish sustainable operations and digital literacy.

These district sites provided reliable connectivity access for the members of the community, as well as providing a connected site where key social, economic and education initiatives can now be delivered for the district.

The full video of the awards ceremony is included below.
