Project complete! IPv6 Knowledge Transfer (Webinars)
The IPv6 Knowledge Transfer (Webinars) project sought to dispel myths around IPv6 and assist organizations in making the switch.
The IPv6 Knowledge Transfer (Webinars) project sought to dispel myths around IPv6 and assist organizations in making the switch.
Frequent visitors to the website may have noticed in recent days that the domain now redirects to the website. The ISIF Asia website predates the establishment of the Foundation, and as part of the Foundation corporate communications, it was decided in 2022 to move as a section on the new Foundation website … Read more
Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion sought to improve the Internet experience for people with disabilities in Bangladesh – and it was important that people with disabilities were involved in every step of the project planning and implementation. Below, you can see the proposal video submitted a few years ago by Vashkar Bhattacharjee who worked with the HI Bangladesh team. That project is now … Read more
The most recent Equal Access to Information Society in Myanmar project by the Myanmar Book Aid and Preservation Foundation aimed to improve digital literacy in villages throughout the country, using libraries as the focal point for different types of outreach and education. The plan was to bring together and scale three different pillars in service of this overall goal: Mobile Information … Read more
ISIF Asia is accepting applications for the 2024 funding cycle. Applications close on 28 March. The Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) empowers organizations across the Asia Pacific region to research, design, and implement Internet-based solutions to solve Internet development challenges that support community development and growth. Since 2008, ISIF Asia has supported 145 grants and 34 awards allocating over USD 9.4 million … Read more
The Indigitech PacifiCODE project Samoa by Code Avengers was a collaborative project that addressed a lack of digital skills and under-representation of Samoans in STEM fields.The project implemented a pilot program in 10 schools to increase each school’s capacity to deliver ICT education and tracked its success. The PacifiCode Digital Fluency Project has made significant strides in advancing … Read more
This project by Tsinghua University and partners involved the development of a collaborative Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing analyzing and diagnosing platform that serves as a tool that can assist network operators with network security and research. The project also contributed to building a collaborative community for enhancing the capacity of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) … Read more
The Foundation, its partners and grantees had a packed schedule at the 2023 Internet Governance Forum, held in Kyoto, Japan, from 8-12 October 2023.
The 2023 ISIF Asia awards recognize three contributions to the development of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) in the Asia Pacific.