Switch! Timor Leste – 2023 National Event

The Switch! project’s Timor Leste participants held their National Event in Alma do Mar Resort from 16-17 September 2023.

The event was a great opportunity for knowledge sharing between participants and team building.

27 participants attended, which included two local speakers, a National Coordinator, a staff member from the APNIC Foundation and two organizers.

See APNIC Foundation Flickr for more pictures of the event.


Day 1:

07:30Pick-Up Point at Benfica Café to travel to Venue Alma do Mar
09:00Opening ceremony and introductions
09:30Speaker 1: National Cybersecurity by Guilherme Soare, Director do Interino IDN
10:30Speaker 2: Gender and Diversity discussion led by Ruth Whereat
13:00Buffet lunch
14:00Speaker 3: Digital Transformation in the Telecommunication Sector by Ladislau Saldanha, Chief Information Officer of Timor Telecom.
15:00Most Significant Change (MSC) discussion
17:00Closing session

Day 2:

08:00Meet in lobby to discuss tour of City of Liquisa and Maubara
09:30Travel from Liquisa to Maubara
12:30Lunch at Maubara Fort
13:30Singing among participants
14:00Travel back to hotel
14:30MSC voting and selection
15:30Group discussion and planning
16:30Next steps for Switch! TL
17:30Event closed, pick up and drop off from venue