Foundation Projects

Vakanet IPv6 Deployment

Vakanet Limited

The project addresses the lack of IPv6 infrastructure in the Cook Islands, where IPv6 usage is currently nonexistent. As VakaNet, an innovative Internet Service Provider startup, seeks to modernize its network architecture, the lack of IPv6 presents a significant challenge to ensuring future-proof connectivity for a wide range of stakeholders, including residents, tourists, businesses, IoT providers, and the government. This requires a thorough approach to ensure the network can meet both current and future demands.

The project aims to facilitate the deployment of IPv6 infrastructure for VakaNet and its customers by:

  • Planning and developing the necessary components for IPv6 integration.
  • Developing and implementing IPv6-related configuration templates, procedures and policies.
  • Upgrading all systems and network segments to support IPv6.
  • Ensuring a seamless transition from IPv4-only to IPv4 & IPv6 dual-stack addressing.
  • Extending IPv6 compatibility across all segments of the network, including services and customer bases.

This project is an IPv6 Deployment Grant.