Foundation Projects

Unboxing Internet Infrastructures: The environmental costs of the Internet and what you can do about it

Pranava Institute

Young individuals are becoming the biggest group in the infosphere, with minimal awareness about its environmental impact. From the energy consumed in data centres to the materials used device manufacturing, the digital world leaves a substantial carbon footprint and consumes vast natural resources. This project aims to unbox the complexity of the knowledge around internet infrastructures and energy consumption and make it accessible to young non- technical audiences with the aim to build knowledge and capacity, focussing on the APAC region. 

The project aims to:

  • Develop an interactive multimedia toolkit to explain complex environmental issues related to internet infrastructures, using research, workshop-based pedagogy, and an open-source model. The toolkit will have an accompanying facilitator guide.
  • Engage youth organisations working on internet governance and infrastructure in the APAC region and help digital education become more holistic, as well as accessible.
  • Facilitate youth to become ecologically conscious architects and informed participants in internet governance empowered with their respective local contexts.

The project will be a new module in the Pranava Institute’s Unboxing Tech Toolkit project. 

This project is an Ian Peter Grant for Internet and the Environment.