Foundation Projects

Towards A Fairer Electoral System: 1 Person, 1 Vote, 1 Value

Tindak Malaysia

Each winner of a 2016 ISIF Asia award receives a cash prize of AUD 3,000 to support their work and a travel grant of AUD 4000 for a project representative to participate at the 11th Internet Governance Forum (Guadalajara, Mexico - December 2016) to participate at the awards ceremony, showcase their project, make new professional contacts, and participate in discussions about the future of the Internet.

The project has brought the following benefits to the community:

  • Lowered the barriers to effective objections to the Electoral Delimitation process, whereby a hitherto impossible task has now been made possible.
  • Provided free and open access through the Internet to our equalized digital maps and objections menu to assist electors make representations, counter-proposals and objections to the Election Commission’s (EC) recommendations.
  • Education programmes through YouTube on the Delimitation process as a voter awareness and empowerment tool. The item below is an ongoing activity as, other than Sarawak, the EC has not tabled their Delimitation Recommendations for public objections yet.
  • To organize 100,000 electors to register as objectors in groups of minimum 100 per Constituency in readiness for the EC’s launch of the Delimitation exercise.