Foundation Projects

Safe Silver Surfers in the Pacific

Netsafe New Zealand

This project aims to reduce online inequality and enhance Internet safety and participation among older adult populations in Pacific nations, who are particularly vulnerable to digital threats. 

This project seeks to empower seniors (65+) in the Pacific with the knowledge and tools necessary for safe online engagement. Addressing the increasing risks of scams, phishing, impersonation, and cyberbullying, Safe Silver Surfers involves developing a range of bespoke educational resources in accessible formats, conducting workshops and training sessions to upskill community leaders and facilitators, and maintaining digital hubs to house all content. 

The objectives: 

  • Enhance online safety awareness and skills among seniors in the Pacific nations of Tonga, Samoa, Fiji and the Cook Islands 
  • Foster safer online experiences for seniors and reduce online harm 
  • Increase senior’s confidence and therefore participation in using the internet 
  • Upskill local facilitators to share knowledge and build skills in their communities