Foundation Projects
FCA: Preparation for Rightscon 2025 (2024)
Access Now
RightsCon is the world’s leading summit on human rights in the digital age. It brings together technologists, human rights organizations, civil society advocates, government representatives, policy makers, regulators and registries, business leaders, and general counsels from around the world. Access Now hosted the first RightsCon in 2011 with the intention to create something different: a civil society-led space where all stakeholders can come together to build a rights-respecting digital future. Since then, RightsCon has rotated in key hubs around the world, including San José, Tunis, Toronto, Brussels, Rio de Janeiro, Manila, and San Francisco, and grown, both in size and in scope to meet the evolving needs of a movement.
The 2025 event will take place in Taipei and online, from February 24-27.