Foundation Projects

Manipur CAN: Internet Resilience for Rebuilding Lives in Conflict-Affected Zones in North East Himalayan Region

Amri Karbi Community Development Project and Council for Social and Digital Development

The Manipur Community Access Network (CAN) project aims to address the societal, economic, psychological, and digital impacts of prolonged internet shutdowns due to ethnic conflicts in Manipur State of India, situated in the North East Himalayan Region. Specifically, the focus is on reconnecting fractured communities and rebuilding trust through the restoration and enhancement of community Internet access, in a severely affected zone including relief camps.

The project aims to:

  • Conduct needs assessment to identify specific Internet access gaps and digital literacy needs in conflict-affected zones.
  • Interface with the Wireless Access Network Interface (WANI) to offer affordable broadband at community-supported WiFi access points.
  • Provide training sessions on basic networking, internet skills, digital services delivery, and online safety to local project team, led by humanitarian agencies and frontline workers, led by women.
  • Conduct workshops on community-based network management and troubleshooting to ensure sustainability and self-reliance.