Foundation Projects
M-Root Deployment: Streamlining M-Root deployment and operations by improving process and automation
APNIC, the WIDE Project, Japan Registry Services Co. Ltd.
This project is a collaboration between APNIC, the WIDE Project and Japan Registry Services Co. Ltd to conduct anycast node deployment of M-Root (the only root server operated in the Asia Pacific) all around the Asia Pacific and beyond. The project seeks to extend anycast node deployment of M-Root throughout the Asia Pacific region by streamlining M-Root deployment and operations through continuously improved processes and automation, simplifying models for anycast instances, and investigating various deployment options.
In 2022, four anycast nodes were deployed. M-root server deployments in Guam, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Bangkok were completed.
In 2023, Five M-Root instances were deployed. These were in Indonesia, Mongolia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Cambodia.
2024 update:
- 7 sites started operations in 2024
- 5 sites have equipment delivered and deployment in progress
- 5 sites had MoU signed
- 6 new sites were identified in 2024
For funding information, see the relevant annual reports.