Foundation Projects

Outstanding Community Service: Jon Brewer

Jon Brewer

Jon has been working with Internet technology since the 90s and developed an in-depth understanding of Internet technologies, particularly wireless. Just as importantly, he has learned ways in which the Internet can be harnessed to connect and uplift communities and he has put that knowledge to good use. Jon’s 2011 research and writing on dynamic spectrum and TV Whitespace (TVWS) led to his involvement in networking projects throughout Asia and the Pacific including in Bhutan, Micronesia, and Mongolia.

The Foundation later supported Jon’s work in understanding the physical and logical topologies of Pacific networks with an aim to improve Internet traffic flows and reduce the reliance of Pacific islands on traffic nodes in larger economies. His Connected Pacific website has been a starting point for several other research projects.

Jon’s research legacy is extensive, as he has worked on projects covering competition and regulation, infrastructure sharing, demand and network dimensioning, the digital divide, universal access, fixed mobile substitution, sending party pays, and broadband affordability.

And on an individual level, Jon has spent years as a trainer, to help train the next generation of Internet specialists in technical matters.

The full video of the awards ceremony is included below.
