Foundation Projects

Internet for Safety, Livelihood, e-Education and Tourism for Vulnerable Islands of Cebu Province (ISLET Connect)

CVISNET Foundation, Inc.

The ISLET Connect project endeavored to tackle the digital disparity prevalent in remote island communities like Gilutongan, Caohagan, and Pangan-an Islands. These areas suffered from limited Internet connectivity, impeding access to crucial resources such as education, communication, and economic opportunities. Through sustainable broadband internet solutions, the project aimed to empower residents and foster socio-economic development. 

Though significant progress was made in addressing the digital divide in island communities, ongoing efforts were needed to ensure sustained impact and community engagement. The Digital Divide left the islands with minimal to no Internet connectivity, stemming from factors such as the islands' remote location, costly Internet services, poor connection quality, and inadequate demand prioritization. This lack of connectivity severely hampered residents' ability to access essential online resources, with limited communication options for teachers submitting reports and students accessing learning materials. Additionally, it hindered the online promotion of community livelihoods, produce, and tourism sites, leading to missed economic opportunities, and posed challenges for disaster preparedness due to delayed updates on impending natural disasters like typhoons.

The project's primary objective was to address these challenges by providing stable broadband Internet solutions to the remote and vulnerable islands of Gilutongan, Caohagan, and Pangan-an. It aimed to maximize community progress in safety, livelihood, e-education, and tourism by promoting proper internet service utilization. Further, the initiative sought to establish a solar-powered Locally Accessible Communication System (LACS) facility for both online and offline instant communication and emergency response, ensuring connectivity even in the absence of telecommunications and Internet capabilities.

To achieve this, the project conducted site assessments, installed infrastructure like P2P links and Starlink units, organized social preparation activities, conducted training sessions on internet usage, and implemented sustainability programs like the COIN Device, vouchering system, and ISLET Connect Portal. These initiatives sought to establish stable broadband Internet connectivity and promote digital inclusion in underserved island communities.

The achievements of the ISLET Connect project included enhanced Internet connectivity, empowerment of residents with essential skills and knowledge, implementation of sustainability initiatives ensuring ongoing Internet access, fostering community engagement through the ISLET Connect Portal, and leveraging existing cooperatives for resource management and financial sustainability.

Maintenance of receiver equipment near Gilutongan school.
Maintenance of receiver equipment near Gilutongan school.
Chatting with students at Gilutongan school and testing connectivity.
Chatting with students at Gilutongan school and testing connectivity.
