Foundation Projects

FCA: SANOG Fellowships 2024

Asia Pacific Internet Association (APIA) and South Asia Network Operators Group (SANOG)

South Asian Network Operators Group (SANOG) is a regional bi-annual event that brings together network operators, Internet service providers, and other technology professionals from South Asia and beyond to share knowledge, collaborate and discuss key issues related to Internet infrastructure, security, and development.

The 41th edition of the South Asian Network Operators Group SANOG-41, clubbing with INNOG-7, was held in Mumbai, India, from 25th April to 30th April 2024, and was hosted by India Network Operators Group (INNOG). The event provided a platform for participants to learn from experts, network with peers, and exchange ideas on a range of topics, including IPv6 deployment, network security, DNS, routing, and more.

This funding supported the Fellowship program.

The SANOG 41 fellows were:

  1. Sujit Shrestha (NP)
  2. Ngawang Cheki Yangzom (BT)
  3. Ashad Anver (LK)
  4. Abdullah Al Numan (BD)
  5. Nirmala Bhusal (NP)
  6. Sachchidanand Upadhyay (IN)
  7. Radhika Sasidhara Menon (IN)
  8. Sonam Deki (BT)

The SANOG Fellowship Program helps International participants to cover the following:

  1. Air-fare
  2. Food: Lunch and Tea (During Workshop/Conference) and Dinner when there are social events
  3. Local transportation: Transport Allowance (if applicable)
  4. Accommodation on twin sharing basis during the event period.
