Foundation Projects
FCA: Comparative economic and social study of networks
Bangkok Neutral Internet Exchange (BKNIX)
The cost of reaching the last mile increases as the network extends into more remote, areas, while returns on investment diminish in these more sparsely populated and often low income areas. Responding to these challenges, a variety of new small scale connectivity providers using novel business models and technologies have emerged to address
The study is intended to provide guidance, in particular, to government managed Universal Service Funds (USFs), and development finance institutions which may be evaluating their traditional connectivity funding to include community-led approaches. In addition the study will provide an objective basis for philanthropic organizations and commercial Internet providers wishing to improve their decision-making around digital inclusion support strategies.
The research study will make a systematic comparative cost / benefit analysis of the different technologies and business models for last mile connectivity in under-served areas to help guide institutions which may be evaluating their traditional connectivity support to include community-led and small-scale complementary approaches.