Foundation Projects

Digital Taleem Apki Dehliz Per (Digital Education on Your Doorstep)

Pakistan Alliance for Girls Education (PAGE)

Pakistan faces significant gender disparities in education and digital access, particularly among women and girls. The GSMA's Mobile Gender Gap Report 2024 reveals that women in Pakistan are 38% less likely than men to own a mobile phone and 37.7% less likely to use mobile Internet. Currently, only 47% of women are literate, which means more than half of the country's women lack access to education. In addition, social and cultural restrictions limit women's access to digital technology, further widening the gender divide.

The project aims to:

  • Establish a Community Broadband Center to provide free internet access to over 3000 users, with a focus on achieving 60% female participation.
  • Launch a Mobile Awareness Campaign to educate 5000 individuals on safe internet practices and effective parenting, using the GSMA Mobile Internet Skills Training Toolkit (MISTT).
  • Leverage solar power systems to ensure sustainability in delivering digital literacy and safe internet usage sessions.
  • Foster digital inclusion, empower women, and bridge the digital gender gap in Pakistan’s underserved communities.