Foundation Projects

Outstanding Research in Digital Development: Victoria University of Wellington

Victoria University of Wellington

Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) is a recipient of a 2024 ISIF Asia award for Outstanding Research in Digital Development for their research into Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) anomalies. They received their award on September 4, 2024, at the APNIC 58 Conference in Wellington, New Zealand.

Each awardee received travel support (if they are based outside New Zealand) to attend the conference and 5,000 USD to assist with their work.

Border Gateway Protocol is a key element of the routing techniques used to direct Internet traffic around the world. Detecting BGP anomalies can help improve the cybersecurity of networks globally.

VUW developed innovative approaches in network modelling and machine learning to detect and pre-empt any impending anomalous BGP events. The project is led by Victoria University of Wellington (VUW, New Zealand) collaborating with Inner Mongolia University (IMU, China) and Prince of Songkla University (PSU, Thailand). The project aims to build on the foundational research by VUW to develop a realtime system that enables network administrators to detect and visualize impending anomalous events before they occur, thus allowing them to take prompt remedial actions.

The full awards ceremony, including VUW’s discussion of their work is, embedded below.
