Foundation Projects

Bandwidth maximizer – proving concepts, demonstrating potential and viability

AirJaldi Networks

The main obstacle facing network operators in rural areas of developing countries is the low economic viability of setting up broadband Internet networks using expensive commercial technologies to reach relatively few and dispersed users. The typically high cost of Internet upstream bandwidth in such areas adds significant challenges. Further, frequent upstream congestion and long hours of total service downtime - often resulting in slow, limiting, and erratic service - are common.

One of the necessary conditions for ISPs operating in such areas lies therefore in finding ways to ensure uninterrupted Internet connectivity and maximizing the utilization of available bandwidth with minimal impact on the end user’s experience.

This project focused on the development of a unique set of solutions for this challenge, collectively referred to as the “Bandwidth Maximizer” (BwM). Essentially, AirJaldi’s BwM combines local content caching and filtering with tools that enable the use and load-balancing of multiple upstream connections.

More specifically, the project objectives were:

  1. Further develop and integrate a prototype bandwidth maximizer which will be operational on the AirJaldi Network in Dharamsala;
  2. Develop user manuals for configuration and use of BwM components as well as the BwM system as a whole;
  3. Demonstrate, through reports based on real-life field measurements, the technical and financial benefits of the BwM; and
  4. Outline further development needs for improving the product and making it user-friendly and easily deployed.
