Foundation Projects

Empowering Communities, Mitigating Risks in Nakhon Si Thammarat: An AIoT System for Real-Time Landslide Monitoring

Walailak University

Landslides devastate lives, property, and ecosystems in mountainous regions worldwide. These events are constantly dangerous in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand, especially for remote communities. Traditional monitoring systems, while effective, are often expensive and require extensive infrastructure, leaving these populations vulnerable. The project proposes an innovative AIoT system to empower these communities and build lasting resilience against landslides.

The project aims to:

  • Implement a real-time landslide monitoring system using AIoT sensors and machine learning for early detection.
  • Disseminate automated alerts to at-risk authorities and communities, enabling timely evacuation.
  • Foster community engagement through culturally sensitive educational materials and workshops, promoting preparedness.
  • Build long-term sustainability through local capacity-building programs for system maintenance and data analysis.
  • Establish partnerships with local government agencies to integrate the system with existing disaster risk management frameworks.
  • Explore integrating the AIoT system with regional early warning systems and develop a data-sharing platform for researchers and disaster management agencies.

This comprehensive approach empowers communities, incorporates existing infrastructure, and fosters knowledge sharing for long-term impact. By providing real-time data and early warnings, this AIoT system has the potential to significantly improve landslide risk management in Nakhon Si Thammarat, particularly in high-risk areas.

This grant is an Ian Peter Grant for Internet and the Environment.