Foundation Projects

Accessible reading materials for grades 1-10 students with print disability through DAISY standard

Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)

Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)'s project supports students with print and learning disability, and low literacy by creating access to DAISY full text and full audio digital books, Braille books and accessible e- course books. Approximately four million Bangladeshis are visually impaired, and around 48 per cent of the population is illiterate or low literate. YPSA, along with the Prime Minister’s Office, has produced DAISY digital multimedia books for the student of years 1 to 5, which proved accessible and cost effective. YPSA will now extend the range of textbooks to cover the entire secondary level. 

The digital text books were accessible for all including the students with print disability and learning disability. It was cost effective, less time consuming and universally designed so that all children can have an easy access to these reading materials all over the country.

Providing the same text in an audio version was a good alternative for many with these problems. Digital talking books were for EVERYONE who needs accessible information & for everyone who loves to read. Readers can play the audio and simultaneously display and highlight the corresponding text. YPSA, along with Access to Information program (A2I), Prime Minister Office, has produced DAISY digital multimedia books for the student of class-I to class-V which proved much accessible and cost effective than the paper books for the students with print disability and learning disability. So, in this project, YPSA intended to extend the range of text books converted in DAISY multimedia books for the student of class-VI to class-X thus covering the entire secondary level.

People with visual disabilities are shown working at laptops.
Students with visual impairments benefit from DAISY standards.