Foundation activities support the technical and skills development of Internet operators throughout the Asia Pacific, as well as fostering partnerships to impact community development, research, and related projects and activities.
The following videos and documents explore activities by the APNIC Foundation and its partners.
Educational videos for non-technical audiences
Routing: How does the Internet work? (2019)
Find out how routing works, and why commonly agreed upon routing standards are crucial to the Internet.
This video was produced as part of the ISIF Asia Network Operations Research Grants, to raise awareness about the importance of understanding core technical concepts.
What is a CERT? (2017)
Discover the work of Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs), also known as Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs). These teams help keep the Internet safe, and together they form a community of cybersecurity professionals that share threat information.
This video was produced with financial support from the Internet Society as part of the ISIF Asia Cybersecurity Grants, in order to raise awareness about the importance of CERTs. You can learn more about CERTs on the APNIC website.
End of project videos
Raising cyber security capability and awareness: A secure and resilient Internet infrastructure for development in the Pacific (2016-2018)
The Pacific CERT project strengthened Internet security in the Pacific by fostering and supporting the development of CERTs at the national level. This was done through a bottom-up, research-led capacity building program for selected security personnel, policymakers, relevant government departments, ISPs and telecom operators in the region. The project also included regional workshops in New Caledonia, Tonga and Samoa. More information about the project is available on the APNIC Blog.
The project was supported by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), through a grant provided by the Cyber and Critical Technology Cooperation Program (CCTCP). The CCTCP was formerly known as the Cyber Cooperation Program (CCP).
PacTraining: Supporting efficient Internet connectivity in the Pacific (2019-2021)
The PacTraining project, held between 2019 and 2021, was designed to boost the technical skills of network operators in Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu. The APNIC Foundation project supported APNIC trainers to conduct nine training courses on six topics: Network Security, routing, IPv6 deployment, Multi-Protocol Label Switching, Software Defined Networking and Network Monitoring and Management. Course and labs material were updated, the Network Monitoring and Management course was developed, and training delivery methods were adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Two Women in IT events were also held to to seek input from the community about how to increase women’s participation in the Internet industry.
PacTraining was made possible thanks to a grant from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, under the Cyber and Critical Tech Cooperation Program.
Public project reports
The PNG Training Report (2021)

Between 2018 and 2021, Papua New Guinea (PNG) went through a boom in Internet connectivity thanks to new submarine cables and satellites. The boost in connectivity lowered the cost of accessing the Internet and increased speeds dramatically. But capitalizing on this newfound connectivity requires trained technical professionals. The PNG Training project helped build the skills required to take PNG’s Internet into the future.
The project was made possible thanks to two grants: The Technical Cybersecurity, and Incident and Network Management Training grant, and the Regional PNG Technical Network Management Training grant. These grants were funded by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as part of the Cyber and Critical Technology Cooperation Program, along with the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and The Asia Foundation.
Corporate documents
The APNIC Foundation Brochure

The APNIC Foundation envisions a global, open, stable and secure Internet that is affordable and
accessible to the entire Asia Pacific community.
Our mission is to increase investment in Internet development in the Asia Pacific region, through education and training, human capacity building, community development, research, and related projects and activities.
The APNIC Foundation Brochure provides an overview of the challenges faced by the technical community in the Asia Pacific, as well as insight into how the Foundation tackles these challenges.