Foundation Blog

Developing grassroots Wi-Fi infrastructure policy

Categories ISIF Asia

2021 ISIF Asia Grantee the Davao Medical School Foundation (DMSF) is helping connect communities in the Philippines via Point to Point (P2P) Wi-Fi connections. Grassroots organizations get involved, and develop policy about how they will fund the infrastructure on an ongoing basis. 

The process is very consultative – organizations in the villages are involved in the process, and policies to cover the costs of the connection are developed with grassroots involvement.

The Pinamuno Farmer Livelihood Association (PFLA) provides an example of how organizations participating in the project can form their policies. The PFLA recently finalized policies around how the project will be managed and how proceeds will be collected to maintain the infrastructure. Pictured is PFLA President Ms Raquel Pantorilla with the P2P policy formulated by officers and members of the association.

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