Foundation Projects
FCA: SANOG Fellowships 2023
Asia Pacific Internet Association (APIA) and South Asia Network Operators Group (SANOG)
SANOG (South Asian Network Operators Group) is a forum for network operators, engineers, and other stakeholders to exchange knowledge and experiences related to technical aspects of Internet operations, including network design, routing, security, and more.
The Internet Service Providers Association of Bangladesh (ISPAB) hosted the 39th Conference of South Asian Network Operators Group (SANOG) from 09th to 13th of May, 2023. The event was proudly and successfully clubbed with bdNOG16, accredited by the PTD Division of Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, and was supported by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) and ICT Business Promotion Council (IBPC), Ministry of Commerce, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Government, with support from various local and International agencies and sponsors.
SANOG39 provided a valuable opportunity to contribute to discussions about Internet operations, technologies and development. The event brought together Internet engineers and networking experts, Government representatives, Internet business leaders, Telco and other interested parties from around the world to learn from training workshops and tutorials, attend technical presentations, discuss policies, and extend social and professional networks with like-minded peers.
This funding supported fellows attending SANOG 39 by assisting with their travel costs, accommodation and registration costs.