Foundation Projects

FCA: CNX and DCS Summit 2024

Digital Empowerment Foundation

The CNX (Community Network Xchange) and DCS (Digital Citizen Summit) was hosted on November 15-16, 2024, in Hyderabad, India.

The Community Network Xchange (CNX) 2024 and the Digital Citizen Summit 2024 are pivotal events underscoring the importance of digital connectivity and rights. CNX, initiated in 2017, has explored various aspects of community networks, including their social and economic sustainability, the promotion of public Wi-Fi, and connecting indigenous and mountain communities. The eighth edition continued this tradition by showcasing new community network initiatives and facilitating discussions on digital access rights. The Digital Citizen Summit, which began in 2016, has become a crucial platform for dialogue on digital rights and technology. The upcoming sixth summit will delve into the themes of algorithms, AI, and accountability, examining the impacts of algorithmic decision-making on digital citizenship.

This funding will support the selection of fellows from the APAC region, enhancing representation and participation, and cover event logistics, ensuring diverse and inclusive discourse at both events.

A shot of large crowds at the CNX/DCS event in Hyderabad, India.
The Foundation team and ISIF Asia grantees at the CNX/DCS event at Hyderabad, India.
Foundation CEO Raj Singh addresses the audience at the CNX/DCS event in Hyderabad, India.
